Last Nights Dinner

I was up cooking dinner last night and made something good.

I’m not a meat eater, so I try new things with Tofu all the time.  I take a meat dish and substitute the meat for Tofu.  Sometime it works, so times……not so much.  hahahaha

Last night I tried General Tso chicken

1 pound Tofu

some veggies, how every many you like.  I just throw in what ever I have in the refrigerator.

1 package of General Tso season mix.  You can get this at any grocery store for like $.60 a pack.

Seasoning pack

1 TBsp Soy Sauce

1/4 cup sugar

3/4 cups water

2 or 3 Tbsp of flour

4Tbsp of oil

1 cup of cooked rice

simple huh?  hahahah

So, you cut the tofu in chucks, however you like them.

I like to use Firm for frying

Next put some flour in a bowl and coat the tofu,

flour tofu

It is a good idea to start your rice cooking at this point.

1 cup rice 1 1/2 cup water a little oil and salt

place in hot oiled pan to fry (this takes like a minuet or two on each side)  remove from pan.

Frying the Tofu.

While the tofu is frying, mix all the other ingredients in a bowl.  Set aside.

The sauce

Once you have cooked all the tofu, add the sauce and add tofu and let simmer for a minuet or so to thicken, (this happens fast, so watch it).  I like to steam my veggies and add them at the end.

Fresh cut string beans

hahaha Yes, I know, not the typical veggie for this dish

You can cook them when you put the sauce in the pan. It was really good and I enjoyed my dinner.

Dinner is served! It was really good and I am pleased with how it turned out.

general tso chicken at tai thai williamsburg

Tofu section of supermarket chiller, Melbourne
Tofu section of supermarket chiller, Melbourne (Photo credit: mia!)

Army Wives Season 6 – Official Show Site –

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Image via Wikipedia

Here it is, finally!  I am so excited.  I will glued to my TV on Sunday March 4 to watch the long-awaited season 6 or Army Wives.  I was not one of those that watch this show from its conception.  I stumbled across it on Netflix, purely by accident.  You know those nights when you want something good?  I found this and I watch all 5 seasons.  I could not stop watching it.  I would stay up all hours of the night just watching.  I was so happy that I did not have to wait a week to watch the next episode.  I was hocked.

I will not be talking to anyone during the show.  I plan to order pizza, have a nice glass of wine and my blanket on the sofa with my 52in TV HD.  I can’t wait!

Army Wives Season 6 – Official Show Site –

From the site:

Airs Sunday, March 4 at 9/8c: The tribe prepares to leave Fort Marshall and go their separate ways. Roxy has a hard time adjusting to the idea of moving. Amid the base closing, Joan is busy getting the fort ready for an incoming hurricane. Denise and Frank celebrate Molly’s first birthday.

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