The Beautiful Carmen!

So happy to see this today! Carmen you are an inspiration to us all who cover.

The Wrapunzel Blog

Carmen is a true artist – and her talent for pairing gorgeous colours with the perfect accessories is nothing short of inspirational!  She and I have known each other on facebook for a while… yes, she is the one that inspired the pearls post recently!  I continuously wowed by her creativity… and her gentle and loving comments always let me know about the depth within her.  In the following photos make sure you click on them each individually to appreciate how she puts things together – it’s incredible!  I am so proud to introduce her to you as Wrapunzel’s Lady Wrap Star!

By Carmen Mendez, edited by Nadia Kijanka

Helloooo Wrapunzel Ladies,

Let me start by saying that for me, the decision to cover my hair came suddenly and with a conviction that lasted longer than I expected. It started in November of 2013 when my husband showed me a YouTube tutorial and since then…

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I’m enjoy my journey to Orthodox Judaism.  It has been 1 year since I made the decision to leave Christianity, which I believe is false worship.  I’ve gain truth faith and trust in Judaism and hold to its practices as I learn them.  There is so much to learn.

One of the practices I enjoy is covering.  There is something very special about covering your hair.  I am working on a more detailed post to share what this year has been like but for now here are a few of my wraps.  Enjoy!  If you would like to get some of these wonderful wraps check out their site:

Bright colors

IMG_0064 IMG_0065 The weekend look Zig Zag 001

#wrapunzel #wrapunzellife

Hummus! But

I love following my friend Michal who runs a vegetarian Facebook page for cooking.  You can find her here: Foodesigns From The Land of Milk and Honey

Click the above link for recipe.

I planning on making this for Shabbos.  I love Hummus and elevating it just seems even more yummy.  🙂

Check out her page.  It is full of wonderful treats and healthy cooking ideas.  She give step by step instructions that are very easy to follow and she does not mind answering questions when you run into a problem.  I will let you know how it comes out after Sabbath!

Aba, Father in Heaven. I need you

Thank you, Michal Reznic of Foodesigns from the land of Milk and Honey (Vegetarian)

See the words in English below the video.

Aba, Father in Heaven. I need you. And I love you with all my heart.

“Aba (Father), I want to stand here before you
and Believe you’re a good Father,

I NEED to know that you love me
Just like this (no reason), my good Father

Father, I wanna be sure with all my heart
that this Journey has a happy ending

that whatever I encounter on the way
will turn Weakness to great Strength

Father, I want to return to ME
and find you there with me.

In my origin I an purely good
and there – only there – I believe in myself.

My dove in the clefts of the rock
Let me hear your voice
Sing me a song, a new song
that will light up my heart and my cords

The last verse is based on Song of songs (to king Salomon) “O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the covert of the cliff, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.”
Dove is very symbolic in Judaism.
It represents: 1)peace
2) loyalty, because doves are partners for life
3) the Hebrew people who ran away from Pharoe,
4) the wisdom of the Hebrew people and last but not least:
5) the human soul

0 Dark Thirty



I love waking up before the sun comes out on Post.  The simple quietness of it all……My husband calls this time “0 dark thirty” because they are required to be up at 4:30 for PT each morning.  It lasts maybe an hour or so.  He is usually back home by 5:30-6 most mornings.  He runs in, showers, gets dressed, grabs whatever I have sitting on the counter for breakfast and runs out the door.  He arrives at the hospital by 0630, changes into his scrubs and its off to work.  That is the whole of our morning time.  hahaha

I always get up with him to make breakfast, and pack lunch.  Once he is out the door, it is time for me to get my day started.  That means morning prayer, some light studying, reading something to inspire me and then off to house work.  I like starting with the bedroom.  I work my way out from there and end with the kitchen.

By this time the quietness is over.  Living on a TRADOC Post is never quiet for long.

This cleaning includes but is never limited to:

  1. making/changing the bed
  2. straighten up nightstand and table tops (there are always books to put away)
  3. cleaning the bathroom in our room (he leaves a mess every morning)
  4. picking up dirty clothes (hold your nose folks, hahaha)
  5. Hanging up clothes-deciding what needs to be washed or hung
  6. dusting and light mopping the floors

Now off to the  2nd bedroom.

This has quickly become our “put everything in room” and by the end of the week it needs a great deal of attention.  There is so much that needs to be put away.

On to our son’s room.  This is his responsibility to keep clean.

The hall is usually clean and only requires me to dust once a week.

The living room and dining room:

  1. There are always books to put away (we tend to read a lot).
  2. Straighten up the sofa and love seat
  3. Vacuum the rugs
  4. Set table for dinner

Not a lot to do to these rooms on a daily basis.

Now the big mama  (the kitchen):

  1. Wipe down the sink after doing the dishes and loading the dishwasher
  2. Wipe down stove top
  3. Wipe down the counters
  4. Sweep/vacuum the floor
  5. Put everything back that is out of its place
  6. Take any and everything out of the kitchen that does not belong

Today I’m also cleaning for Shabbos.  So I’m cleaning the freezer out.  I’m also going to run through the dishwasher: burners grids and knobs, plastic utensil that are not used for food, refrigerator drawers (not at the same time).  Between each load I run an empty wash cycle to clear out anything left from the last.

I’m also going to rotate the food in my freezer and make my shopping list of things I’m out of at this time.

Once all this is done, my husband is usually home and we can talk, read and have dinner.

Then its off to bed, only to do it all again.  Some things changed from day-to-day, depending on what day of the week it is and what holiday is coming up but for the most part, this is my day which starts at 0 dark thirty.