
So, I’ve been so busy with out move that posting has gotten lost in the process.  I really miss posting.  It is my way of sharing what I have in my heart.  Well, the movers came and packed up the house.


They came the next day and loaded the truck

Now we are in limbo waiting for Friday to get on the road to our new home.  I am super excited about moving.  I don’t know what it will be like living on a Military base but I am ready for the challenge.


Now it is time to say goodbye to our home.  I would be remiss if I did not thank Ellis Moving and Storage.  You guys rocked!

Our first home as husband and wife. Thanks for all the joys and love we shared in you.

My diet… or the lack thereof

With all the busy work of this move, I’ve lost sight of my most important goal.  I was looking at the calendar today and noticed that at the end of this month I was supposed to reach my goal of 130 pounds.  I have not even come close.  😦

I’ve allowed so many distractions to keep me from completing my fast of 60 day juice diet.  I am heart-broken.  We are moving then end of this month but I still look the same and I can’t be excited about the move without having lost the weight.  It was very important to me.  I feel like I should give up and just stay fat and unhealthy………..

Why did I allow myself to loss sight of my plan?  I really don’t have an answer.  I am so hurt today.

Trying new things

I love trying new things to help clean my house.  I went to the store to get something new to clean my tub and came across this.  I was so upset with the results.  It did not remove even the soap scum on my tub.  It was like spraying water on the tub.  I will never buy this product again.  It cost me &3.98 and this was money thrown in the trash as far as I am concerned.  I don’t recommend you buy this one.  It cleans nothing.  IMO.

Life has been crazy!

Well, July is finally here.  I did not think it would ever come.  Now I am high-speed mood, as my husband would say.  I need to get all the packing arranged and turn off the electric and water.  I need to reconfirmed moving dates, contact our new base for any updates.  I am so happy I don’t have to do the packing for this move.  It is our first and I find I am becoming a little sad about leaving our first home.  Things seem so crazy right now.  My son is always asking why are we moving?  I try to explain things to him but at 7 years old there is not a lot he will understand.

I have not been sleeping very well these past few nights.  I will be reunited with my husband on the 13th.  We are both so very excited.  This  past 14 months has been hell, to say the least.  I’ve grown a lot and we both have learned a lot about our character.  It has not been easy all the time and even down right frustrating at times.  Military life is not for everyone.  It takes a very STRONG women to endure the separation, depression, and insecurities that come with the job.  “they don’t tell you about all that”.

I’ve had friends that have ended their marriage due to the stress of this life.  If I could share one things with someone about it, it would be, Be willing to be a single mom, a lonely wife, and have a frustrated home.  Lose and gain friends, learn more about yourself than you may want to know, and most of all, learn to grow in a love that is distant.

Our Army life if just beginning and we are looking forward to some really good times but we also know it will be hard, as marriage always is.

New Foot Care

In the summer, I have great difficulty with my feet.  It is very painful to see how dry and cracked  they become.  I’ve tried many lotions and skin creams claiming to protect dry skin but nothing worked.

I was in Rite Aid, a store I don’t really shop much, and found this on the shelf. 

It worked wonders in just a few days.  I apply it day and night.  I’m looking for something natural to us but for now this is the best product I’ve ever found.


Check it out!  It was on $2.98